The Royal Family of Hawaiʻi
attends the 200 year anniversary of the historical Waiola Church.
Waiola, formerly Waineʻe Church was founded in 1823 by Queen Keopuolani and has been a community cornerstone for nearly 200 years. In celebration of those 200 years, the church hosted several events and on Saturday, May 27, 2023 from 9 am to 8 pm., many people had enjoyed entertainment, historical presentations, cultural demonstrations, craft vendors, and a lūʻau dinner.
H.R.H. Princess Owana Kaʻōhelelani spoke about the significance of the sacred grounds of Mokuʻula and Mokuhinia as well as the first congregation founded by Queen Keopuolani. H.R.H. Prince Michael Kalani Kauhiokalani chanted on the occasion as well as Dame Lily Kahelelani Alohikea-Smith who is a descendant of the genealogist, High Chief Aarona Unauna.

