In 1848, as a result of the Mahele, all land in the Hawaiian Kingdom was placed in three categories: The Lands of His Majesty King Kamehameha III which became the Crown Lands (for the preservation of the crown), the lands of the Chiefs and Konohiki, and the Government Lands, later in 1850, awards were given to Hoaʻaina
(native Hawaiians who cultivated the land they live on) known as Kuleana Lands.
Native Hawaiian people were granted the opportunity to acquire their own parcels of land and receive an award from the Land Commission. In order to receive an award from the Land Commission, the Hoaʻaina were required to prove that they cultivated the land for a living. Once a claim was confirmed, a survey was required
before the Land Commission was authorized to issue any award.
The lands awarded to the Hoaʻaina became known as “Kuleana Lands.” All of the claims and awards (Land Commission Awards or L.C.A.) were numbered. Royal Patents (R.P.) were given to validate the final process of the Land Commission (L.C.) claim records. The Royal Patents (R.P) legally proved that the land claimant had either paid the commutation fee for the Award, or the Privy Council or legislature had waived the fee, and the Hawaiian Kingdom
Government had relinquished its interest in the property.
The L.C.A. numbers remain in use today to identify the original owner grantee of lands throughout Hawaiʻi.
You are welcome to search below to learn if your ancestors have been granted land in the Mahele by His Majesty King Kamehameha III and if they have received their Land Commission Award (L.C.A.) and Royal Patent (R.P.).
Hawaiʻi Island L.C.A.
Kauai Island L.C.A.
Lanaʻi Island L.C.A.
Maui Island L.C.A.
Molokai Island L.C.A.
Niʻihau Island L.C.A.
Oʻahu Island L.C.A.
Royal Patent Numbers
Land Commission Award Numbers